The video games he picks are also part of the entertainment. Games played include AAA titles such as Sleeping Dogs, Spec Ops: The Line and LA Noire, hints at his childhood with Hard Time, Robot Wars and I Wanna Be The Guy: Gaiden and just random fun games such as Sims 3, Red Faction: Guerrilla and Spore. There's also a kind-of obsession with simulators with Bus, Garbage Truck and Farming simulators... Boring games there but our leader is great at making them entertaining by failing miserably, speeding and parking a tractor on top of a car! Hilarity ensures.
I am quite a new Procrastinator and I haven't even watched a quarter of his videos but, when I get the time, I really do hope to; he makes any game have personality and fun. Except Tom Clancy: H.A.W.K 2... That game didn't deserve it apparently xD
Oh and below my user name is my favourite Let's Play by NerdCubed; it's nearly 50 minutes of pure laughter.
Nerd³ Plays... London 2012: The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games -